When to Correct Your Tax Return
Wait until you receive your Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the CRA before refiling or submitting an adjustment
You can refile a tax return for up to 4 years and file an amendment for up to 10 years from the tax year
Ways to Correct Your Tax Return
1. Online Using CloudTax (ReFILE)
Log in to your CloudTax account
Select the return you need to correct
Select the year you need to correct
make the appropriate changes
resubmit your tax return
2. CRA My Account
Sign in to your CRA My Account and click on “Change my return”
Select the tax year and the specific lines that need corrections
Input the updated information and submit your adjustment request
You can include multiple adjustments in one request. However, you must wait for the first adjustment to be finalized before submitting another
Some changes cannot be made via CRA My Account. Visit the CRA website for details about conditions and exclusions
3. By Mail
Complete a T1 Adjustment Request (Form T1-ADJ)
Include all supporting documents for the changes (e.g., tax slips, receipts)
Mail your form and documents to your designated CRA tax centre
If you’re a Quebec resident, visit the Revenu Québec website for specific instructions
What Happens After You Submit Your Changes?
Notice of Reassessment
Similar to your NOA, but with the amended sections highlighted
Review it carefully. If you owe taxes, pay promptly to avoid interest or penalties
Explanation Letter
If the CRA doesn’t approve your changes, you’ll receive a letter explaining why
Key Tips for Amending Your Taxes
Save all receipts, tax slips, and paperwork for the changes, as the CRA may request them
Ensure all changes are included in your request to minimize delays
Use CRA My Account to track the status of your amendment for peace of mind