Who Qualifies for the CWB?
You may qualify for the CWB if you:
Earn income from employment or self-employment
Are at least 19 years old on December 31 or live with a spouse, common-law partner, or child
Have a net income below the thresholds set by the CRA
How Much Can You Receive?
The amount you receive depends on:
Your net income
Your marital status
The number of children you have
The CWB has two components:
Basic Amount: For individuals and families with low earnings.
Disability Supplement: Available if you have an approved Disability Tax Credit (DTC).
How to Apply for the CWB
You do not need to apply separately.
File Your Tax Return: The CRA automatically calculates your eligibility and amount based on your return.
Include Your Income Details: Ensure all employment and self-employment income is accurately reported.
Why This Matters
The Canada Workers Benefit provides essential financial support for low-income workers, helping to improve their quality of life and encourage continued workforce participation.
With CloudTax, your CWB eligibility is calculated automatically